the Song you Sing
© Yvonne DeBandi 2002
Once you understand the mechanics of
singing, the fun part really begins. The color and character
you add to your singing tone and vocal performance can
be as unique as your fingerprint.
Don't be afraid to experiment to find
your comfort zone. Some people truly enjoy singing karaoke
or singing with a cover band - all the while working
to sound like the popular artist that made the song
famous. There is nothing wrong with this, but it is
also not a rule you must follow. Don't be afraid to
share your own sound, your own style.
One thing is true, singing someone else's
message is rarely the way to a standing ovation. Sing
your own message with sincere intent. "Own the
song" you are singing, whether it is similar to
what has been known before or very different. Make it
yours. You tell the audience what their perception of
the performance should be...only you. Only you gives
someone permission to make you feel inferior as you
sing. So sing proudly, no matter what your level of
expertise or experience.
all else, enjoy your voice and others will too.
products created by
Coach Yvonne DeBandi.
Books, Interactive Downloads and CDRoms available!
Click HERE
to learn more. |
![Singing Lessons on book & CD, interactive download and CD-Rom. HIGHLY EFFECTIVE!](../images/singinglessons-SIEWB-125.jpg) |
![Audio Voice Lessons with exercise book guide. Fun and affordable! Also available as an immediate download or CD-Rom.](../images/singinglessons-YCS125.jpg) |
![Affordable Singing Lessons and Vocal Warm-up. Get started fast with this fun singing course.](../images/singinglessons-ASL125.jpg) |