what are Vocal Mechanics?
let anyone fool you. If you don't understand how
your voice works and how to specifically fix what
you don't will never be happy with your voice.
understanding vocal mechanics you will never know how to deal with
those "bad vocal days." You know, when you wake up the
day of an important performance and for whatever reason (vocal fatigue,
lack of sleep, etc.) your voice refuses to behave in top form.
vocal mechanics can be very easy
- if presented in an organized fashion. The Sing Smart, Not Hard™
method is based around simple steps known as The Ten Steps
to Singing Success™. The first six steps deal with
basic vocal mechanics...concentrate on these steps first.
This course does not assume knowledge, but takes you through every
step from beginning to end. Both professional and beginner singers
find the step by step information refreshing.
you understand how each mechanic works and what to listen for, you
begin applying the information to the song
material of your choice. It's
to your sound sample and ask yourself these two simple questions:
Do I like the way I sound? Your original goal should
be to create your "pure and natural" vocal tone. This
is the tone you create that is free from any stress or strain. (Once
you create this tone, you can add any type of stylistic nuance on the icing on a cake.) If you hear stress or strain in
your voice then analyze the vocal mechanic list and begin to productively
practice through the challenge(s).
Do I like the way I feel? Singing should feel
easy. If you are "efforting" or "working too hard"
to create your sound, then something in your instrument is out of
balance. Analyze the vocal mechanic list, determine the biggest
issue and begin to productively practice through the challenge(s).
Quick note: don't confuse energy with effort. Energy will add life
to your vocal tone, effort will steal from it.
on your mechanic challenges SPECIFICALLY as outlined
in the related SingSMART™ singing
step will help you improve rapidly. Work on them one at a time and
build them as a foundation, adding one on top of the other.
your personal SINGING LESSONS
and improve your vocal mechanics today!
products created by
Coach Yvonne DeBandi.
Books, Interactive Downloads and CDRoms available!
Click HERE
to learn more. |
![Singing Lessons on book & CD, interactive download and CD-Rom. HIGHLY EFFECTIVE!](images/singinglessons-SIEWB-125.jpg) |
![Audio Voice Lessons with exercise book guide. Fun and affordable! Also available as an immediate download or CD-Rom.](images/singinglessons-YCS125.jpg) |
![Affordable Singing Lessons and Vocal Warm-up. Get started fast with this fun singing course.](images/singinglessons-ASL125.jpg) |